Copyright © Windsong Southland Chorale



Windsong Southland Chorale

Dr. Janet Harms, Artistic Director

Felix Macovei, Accompanist

          Welcome and Introduction                                                                   James Beagle, Windsong President

          Invocation                                                                                                 Alma Roberts, Windsong Chaplain


          Set Me As a Seal, (Hymn) from A New Creation                                                                    Rene Clausen

​This concert is a reprise of “Festival of Worship,” a mass concert Windsong participated in last month at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. Windsong joined thirty-five other choirs and eight children’s choirs, comprising nearly 1,000 voices, in this annual event sponsored by Fuller Theological Seminary, Brehm Center’s Fred Bock Institute of Music and the Cathedral. Windsong was one of only three community choirs, the rest being church choirs.  

The bulk of the “Festival of Worship” concert were pieces by Dr. Rosephanye Dunn Powell. Dr. Powell has been hailed as one of America’s premier women composers of choral music, whose compositions include sacred and secular works for mixed chorus, women’s chorus, men’s chorus, and children’s voices. She is commissioned yearly to compose for university choruses and professional, community, and church choirs, as well as secondary school choruses.  

          Rejoice!                                                                                                                       Rosephanye Powell, Music

​                                                                                                           Lyrics: Based on Psalm 118; Acts 10:34, 35, 43

          The Word Was God                                                                                                  Rosephanye Powell, Music

                                                                                                                                                                   Lyrics: John 1:1-3

          Ascribe to the Lord                                                                                                  Rosephanye Powell, Music

                                                                                                                                                             Lyrics: Kyrie eleison

                                                                                                                                             Arranged by Ed Willmington

          Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child                                                      African American Spiritual

                                                                                                                                      Arranged by Rosephanye Powell



          Waltz in e minor                                                                                                                          Frederic Chopin

Felix Macovei, Piano

          Hallelujah                                                                                                                  Rosephanye Powell, Music

                                                                                                                                                   Lyrics: Jeremiah 20:11-13

          Agnus Dei, Lamb of God                                            Michael W. Smith, Edwin M. Willmington, Music

                                                                                                                               Lyrics: Michael W. Smith, John 1:29

          Blest Are They                                                         David Haas (from Matthew 5:3-12) Lyrics and Music

Mark Ruble, Bass

          Song of Exaltation                                                                                                           John Ness Beck, Music

                                                                                                                       Lyrics: adapted from the Old Testament

Saturday, March 7, 2015     7:00 pm

La Verne United Methodist Church

3205 D Street, La Verne, CA 91750




Twentieth Season 2014-2015


​​​Saturday, May 30, 2015  -  3:00 pm and 7:00 pm

Munson Auditorium, Azusa Pacific University

901 E. Alosta Avenue, Azusa 91702

Metay Julibah, Processional                                                                    From the Yoruba people of Nigeria

Metay Julibah, Yabo, yabo, yabo   (4x)

Baliatah balaway, tram e tra   (4x)

Welcome                                                                                                    James Beagle, Windsong President

                                                                                                     Mark Ruble, I Want To Help Africa Founder

kosi Sikelel' iAfrica is the National Anthem of South Africa. This hymn was composed in 1897 in Xhosa. Since then it has spread to other parts of Africa, with each group singing the song in its own language. In 1997 it was altered to include verses in Zulu, Africaans, and English. We will sing the original version in Xhosa and in English.

Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrica/Prayer for Africa

​                    Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrica,                                        Bless, o Lord, our country, Africa,

                    Malupakam upando Iwayo,                                So that she may waken from her sleep.

                    Yiva imitandazo yetu.                                       Fill her horn with plenty, guide feet,

                    Usisikelele,                                                      Hear us, faithful sons.

                    Yihla Moya, Yihla Moya,                                    Spirit, descend, Spirit, Spirit,

                    Yihla Moya, Yihla Moya, Oy-ing-cwele.              Spirit descend, Spirit devine. 

Pi Mchinanga                                                   From the Zezuru People of Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe

Mark Ruble, Bass; Marilyn Sousa, Alto

(Call) Pi Mchinanga, Pi Mchinanga

(Response) Reeeeeeeeeeeeem chi-nanga

(Call) Da ka 'a-na-wa-da mci-ba-mba

(Response) Zum tali meem chi-nanga

(Call) Ti ta ti ta a na mkaranga

(Response) Zum tali meem chi-nanga

Otu b'oma (Unity is Strength)                                                                       From the Igbo people of Nigeria

                                                                                          Transcribed and arranged by Fred Onovwerosuoke

Joanie Parker, Soprano; Rita Hennessy, Soprano

         ​           Otu b'oma! Nyaboligno,                                      Unity is strength! Things are going well!

                    afo lu kwa mo,                                                   no excuses like "my head hurts,"

                    ukwu kpo kwa mo,                                             no excuses like "my feet hurt,"

​                    ew'o, ihe si ike,                                                  (scat syllables)

                    nya, na gi du m'eje,                                            no excuses like "things are hard,"

                    aha, ew'o                                                           take life easy 

                    egw'a di, lu-lu-lu-lu!                                           (scat syllables)

                                                                                              this is our dance.

Mweya m'tsvene from Sing Africa                                                                                     Traditional African

  (Sung in Zulu)                                                                                               Arranged by Jonathan Willcocks

                    Mweya m'tsvene uyai pano.                                 Holy Spirit, come by here.

                    Ropara Jesu tiponese.                                         Blessed Jesus, pray for us.

Kaanamajoo (We Thank You)                                                         From the Mandinka people of the Gambia

                                                                                          Transcribed and arranged by Fred Onovwerosuoke

Carol Hopping, Soprano; Mark Ruble, Bass

Bjorg Elonai, Soprano; Alma Roberts, Soprano

                    ​Chedo kaanamajoo, Chedo kaanamajoo              Chedo, we thank you, Chedo, we thank you

                    Chedo kaabu kaanamajoo.                                 Chedo, we really thank you.

                    Maaro jambe dilea.                                            We recount your benevolence.

                    Maaro manna jambe dilea.                                 We recount your benevolence.

Anigye aba (The High Life)                                                                            From the Akan people of Ghana

  (The Akan people speak Twi)                                             Transcribed and arranged by Fred Onovwerosuoke

                    Anigye'aba'o enne ye nna'o                                 The high life, the good times are here.

                    Benkum nifa mo mmra mme kwe,                      People are joining in from all over to have a                                                                                                      good time.

                    Anigye'aba'o (onia menue)                                  The high life.

                    Wote ho koomm, Wo re dia were how,               Don't just sit there unmoved and passive,

                    Sore beka yyen ho Begyewa'e'ni bio.                   Get up and do your part.

                    Anigye'aba' o, Anigye'aba'o!                                Good times, good times!

                    Mon sepe moho,                                                Having a good time,

                    Anigye'aba'o,                                                     We're having a good time,

                    Ampara, adofo'eh, aome nua'e.                          Indeed, friends, everyone.

Shepard Drum                                                                                   Collaborative Effort of Percussion Group

Percussion Group

Jack Dimmock, Collin Nixon, Nathan Pinto, Brandon Victorio

Video from Zimbabwe, Mark Ruble


50/50 Drawing

E-mail drawing

Opener to Afrika                                                                                                                       Nathan Pinto

Percussion Group

Jack Dimmock, Collin Nixon, Nathan Pinto, Brandon Victorio

Siyahamba                                                                                                          Zulu Song from South Africa

  (sung in Zulu and English)                                                                                             Edited by Doreen Rao

                    Siyahamb' ekukhanyeni kwenkhos                       We are marching in the light of God.

Kayra Sillo is a touching, unique chant. Unlike in most African weddings, which usually end in continued celebration, the families of the newlyweds depicted in this song solemnly pray that the new union will bring peace to the community.

Kayra Sillo (The Way of Peace)                                         Transcribed and arranged by Fred Onovwerosuoke

Joanie Parker, Soprano

                    Aye yee wo, kayra sillo le ueng naati                 Listen, the way of peace is here.

                    Nkaaliye 'nsi nong dee ma,                                Let each tell the otehr.

                    Fona ko si bang, bang, bang                              Play our drums loudly.

Irapada (Redemption) is a Christmas carol but also works well for much of the Church's year.

This is a cheerful song that reminds all that Jesus was born to redeem believers.

The lilting waltz is danceable and should be joyful.

Irapada (Redemption)                                                                       Carol from the Yoruba people of Nigeria

                                                                                                                   Collected by Christopher Ayodele

                                                                                          Transcribed and arranged by Fred Onovwerosuoke

James Beagle, Tenor; Marilyn Sousa, Alto

                    Irapada ti de , K'ara ye koyo,                           Redemption has come, Let's celebrate.

                    Ati bi Jesu, Olugbala fun'awa elese!                 The Lord Jesus is born for us all!

                    O-ya, O!                                                          Come on, let's do it!

                    Irapada deo, k'aye koyo,                                  Redemption has come. Let us indeed rejoice.

                    K’igba orun ati’aye gbo  ‘Pe ati bi Jesu,           Let heaven and earth hear that Jesus is born.
                    Olurapada Ore elese !                                     Our Redeemer, friend to all - sinners, too.

                    Emi o hase f’oya L’ojo ibi                                I should not be discouraged on dark days
                    Nigbati moni Jesu l’alabawi,                            Because I have Jesus as my support
                    B’aye at’esu ba gb’ogun rede,                         When faced with trials and tribulations
                    ‘bi gbogbo orun bas u dede re o                       Even if heaven sleeps
                    K’o ma si beru                                                 I have no fear
                    mo ti ni’Olugbala                                            For I have my Savior,
                    lyen to fun mi.                                                and that is enough for me.

                    Joho, Oluwa wa, wa b’awa pe o.,                    Lord, please, come be with us.
                    Ayo ibi Jesu wa fi fun wa                                 Jesus has given us much joy in life.
                    K’a j’oba pily re ojo ipehin                              May we reign with him on that day,

                    lyen l’orogo                                                    that glorious day in heaven.

Aluwa Sio (Alleluia) An Acclamation                                                   From the Ewe people of Benin Republic

                                                                                                                             Collected by Ablawa Reine

                                                                                          Transcribed and arranged by Fred Onovwerosuoke

Gerald Esqueda, Tenor

                    Aluwa sio, eh! Aluwa sio, n/ape To.                  Alleluia! Alleluia, glory to God.

                    Ape To a gblon be, miyi mian be                       The Lord said, "Go into all nations and

                    Doukono kpata kji,                                           Spread the word.

                    Gnin an m le kou do me.                                  I am with you always, wherever you go,

                                                                                           Forever, eternally, Yes, indeed.

O Sifuni Mungui                                                                    Words and Music by David Maddux, Marty McCall,

                                                                                                                  Mmunga Mwenebulongo Mulongoy,

                                                                                                                              and Asukulu 'Yuni Mukalay

                                                                                                                            Arranged by Roger Emerson

Joanie Parker, Soprano; Rita Hennessy, Soprano; Bjorg Elonai, Soprano;

Carol Hopping, Soprano; Alma Roberts, Soprano;

Marilyn Sousa, Alto; Sandra Grajeda, Alto

                    Viumbe vyote vya Mungu wetu na Mfal               All creatures of our God

                    me wetu                                                           and King,

                    Pazeni sauti ilinasi mwimbe                               Lift up your voice and sing with us.

                    Watu wote, biumbe vyote, awaye yote,             All men, all creatures, everybody,

                    Sifu Munu.                                                         Praise God.

                    Imbeni!                                                             Sing!

Shawn L. Kirchner, (b. 1970) is a local composer, arranger, singer, pianist, and conductor. In addition to his
many musical accomplishments, he sings with the Los Angeles Master Chorale, has served as Director of Choral Activities at the University of La Verne, and is currently Music Coordinator/Organist/Composer-in-Residence at the La Verne Church of the Brethren.  He has a special interest in American and international folk music, and performs widely with his folk group, Kindling, with whom he has made several recordings.

Wana Baraka                                                                                                                      Kenyan Folk Song

  (Sung in Swahili)                                                                                            Arranged by Shawn L. Kirchner

                    ​Wana Baraka wale waombao,                             They have blessings, those who pray,
                    Yesu mwenyewe alisima. Alleluya!                     Jesus himself said so, Alleluia!
                    Wana Amani, Wana furaha,                                They have peace, They have joy,

                    Wana uzima                                                                 They have well-being.   

Africa is a Earth’s second largest continent with more than fifty countries and many hundreds of languages and dialects. Music and dance are inseparable in many cultures. In fact, the Swahili word “Ngoma” means music and dance, literally inseparable. Participation is the watchword. Everyone sings and dances, from their earliest time in the womb of their dancing mother. Some of the special characteristics of African music are lusty singing, lots of syncopation, lots of harmony, and call-and-response form, where a leader sings one phrase, and the group responds with either the same or a different phrase. “Pi Mchinanga” is an example of call-and-response, with the group responding singing a different phrase.  




Twentieth Season 2014-2015

Program Three

Order a DVD of the May 30, 2015 concert by calling (909) 983-9879! 

Cost is $17.